Winter Break is Over

Why is it that winter seems to stagnate any progress my life has taken? Why does it always have to fool me into a false sadness?

It’s my second day of the new semester, and I don’t find myself with the same cheery disposition as I had when I first started school here. I mean, I haven’t even given it a chance! Already I’ve dropped one class, registered for another, contemplated dropping two more and taking new subjects all together. The only class I don’t have any regrets, misgivings, or worries about is Radio Practicum. And I haven’t even gone to it yet.

There are definitely things to look forward to. I mean, there is absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t be as happy now as I was last semester. I don’t know, maybe my first taste of freedom and sense of self set the bar too high. But I have a feeling it’s just winter. Winter and the mentality that things could be so much better…if the sun would just come out from behind those cloudsif the wind would please just stop chapping my hands. For the time being, my plan of action is to meditate at least 15 minutes a day so I can remind myself of all the good in my life and of all the toxicity that has left it. The second plan (and probably more effective) is to pretend my university is Hogwarts. Certainly that will cheer me up. Maybe I should be taking Herbology and Charms rather than Dimensions of Wellness and Composition II?

This entry was published on January 11, 2012 at 10:03 PM. It’s filed under Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

4 thoughts on “Winter Break is Over

  1. My winter break is almost over as well.. sighs*

  2. As I was reading, I thought to myself: this girl needs to meditate. Two lines later…you thought meditation would be helpful. It is quite helpful but please don’t put a time on it. Sometimes 15 mins…sometimes 5….it is in the act of meditating, the act of being present that will clear the mind of that negative shit. Breathe. Smile. Be present. Help someone.

    • I think maybe I meant more like I need at least 15 minutes of quiet peace every day. You’re right, meditation shouldn’t be timed. I used to do it a lot a few years back, but I’ve gotten out of the habbit. I also used to have much more time. But I’m definitely going to make room in my day for it now.
      Thanks for the advice. And as always, thanks for reading and supporting.

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